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Essex Field Club
Essex Field Club
registered charity
no 1113963

Archive Search Tips

This page gives instructions for using our website search.

In the search box you can:

  • enter a list of words for these to be searched for in any order
    (if you enter a phrase, this will be matched exactly if possible first)
  • you can enter a phrase "in double quotes" to try to match this exactly
  • prefix any word with + to indicate that it must be present
    (prefix all words with + for all to be present on a page)
  • prefix any word with - to exclude any results with this word
  • use a star * to indicate missing characters

Searches are letter case insensitive and all possible results are listed in order of how well they match your search criteria.

Tip: The wild-card * is useful for finding things where you are not quite sure of the spelling or ending - you can enter the first few characters followed by *.  For example a* will match all words starting with a.  Remember that without a * the search tries to match your words exactly as given.

Click the Back button in your browser to return to the Search page.