About the Essex Recorders partnership

Apply for funding

Essex Field Club
registered charity
no 1113963

in partnership with..

Basildon Council


Butterfly Conservation

Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group

Essex Bat Group

Essex Birdwatching Society

Essex Wildlife Trust


Agrilus sulcicollis random taxon map

Submit Records

Records in Essex are collated by the County Recorders and specialist groups in Essex, who compile and maintain detailed records of Essex flora, fauna and geology. This is a role which the Essex Field Club has undertaken since 1880 and in its modern form since the early 1950s.

Wherever possible CIEEM members shall make scientific data collected during the course of their professional duties available to others such as records centres. - See more at: CIEEM link link.

submitting records

  • Records can be provided in Excel using a record format template.
    See Providing Moth Records for moth records.

  • Excel records could be provided in other formats as long as there is clear consistency to the format and all the basic record information is provided:

    • taxon binomial
    • site location
    • grid reference
    • date
    • recorder
    • determiner

  • and preferably also some info on habitat, quantity, whether voucher retained e.g. for difficult to identify invertebrate species, whether confirmed etc). Please DO NOT abbreviate names or use Vernacular names instead of the latin binomial, although using Vernacular names as well is fine.

  • Lists tabulated in Word would also be ok if they provide the same data format.

  • Please send records to

About the Essex Recorders partnership