About the Essex Recorders partnership

Apply for funding

Essex Field Club
registered charity
no 1113963

in partnership with..

Basildon Council


Butterfly Conservation

Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group

Essex Bat Group

Essex Birdwatching Society

Essex Wildlife Trust


Mythimna impura random taxon map

Datasearch Service

Datasearch helps you undertake ecological desk studies and obtain specialist reports from the primary biological record databases for the county
The Essex Field Club datasearch system allows to you obtain specialist datasearch reports. Reports are provided as downloadable pdf documents with a spreadsheet csv file option and are customised to an area of your choosing.  Please see our Datasearch Terms of Service page for full details. Once you start a request, you can save changes at any time and return to complete this later. We can currently provide access to 5,480,086 records for 15,340 species. across a wide range of groups. As well as Essex Bat Group data, this includes access to data held by the Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group, Essex Birdwatching Society bird and county recorder records for a wide range of taxonomic groups, all information that is not available to any other organisation.

Species information is provided on:

  • Protected Species
  • Priority Section 41 Species
  • National Red List and Scarce Species
  • Essex Red Data List Species
  • Invasive species
  • Invertebrate Assemblage Information for the search area 1km squares.
  • Nationally or internationally significant Important Invertebrate Areas (IIAs).
There is the option to choose information on all species records for the search area, but the resultant report may be very large indeed.

Site information is provided on:

  • Nature Improvement Areas
  • Buglife's B-Lines network for flowers and pollinators
  • Special Areas of Conservation
  • Special Protection Areas
  • Ramsar Sites
  • Marine Conservation Zones
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest
  • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • Local Nature Reserves
  • Essex Local Wildlife Sites
  • Country Parks
  • Common Land
  • Ancient Woodland Inventory sites
  • Wood-Pasture and Parkland BAP Priority Habitat Inventory
  • Traditional Orchard Inventory sites
  • Natural England's Priority Habitats Inventory (PHI)
  • All of a Buzz in the Thames Gateway Sites
  • Notified Local Geological Sites
  • Potential Local Geological Sites
We also provide information on geological sites local importance for their scientific, historical and/or educational value, as well as those designated as SSSI geological sites.