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Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Enter your records

Please enter your record below for Garden Spider Araneus diadematus. For help using this form please see notes at the bottom of this page.

You must be registered and logged on to submit a photograph or to later see, edit and manage your records. Please note: It is often extremely useful if you can submit a digital photograph to support your record.  Pictures should be jpg files and must be 400kb or smaller, please re-size prior to uploading.

Record for:
Araneus diadematus

Number seen:
*must be a number, '0' equals present but uncounted


Location name:


Map Grid Ref:
or Postcode*:  

*lastname, firstname

lastname, firstname

brief description of habitat

any additional information of interest

Email address:

Picture file to support your sighting...
You need to be be registered and logged on to submit a photograph


View My Records - See more surveys..

Notes and guidance on submitting pictures:

We will usually give priority to records which include pictures. See Picture Upload Guidelines. File size larger than 400K will be rejected, so you will need to reduce them to less than this first.

Notes and guidance on submitting records:

Your observations are important in helping wildlife enthusiasts understand the distribution of plants and animals in Essex and to identify changes. This form is for submitting individual records or observations. If you have many records from one place, or many records of one species, Contact us and use the website queries email or contact the relevant County Recorder. Complete the form and submit details of your observation to our County Recorders so that we can add your record to our County Database.

Fields marked * are required.  You can give either a Map Reference or a Postcode.  The 'Determiner' is the person who identified this specimen - which could be you.

Where species are difficult to identify, or you are a beginner in a group, we may need verification of the identification. This is why we ask you for contact details when you register.