Essex Field Club on Facebook

Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

About us

Video about the Club Essex Field Club video

registered charity
no 1113963
HLF Logo A-Z Page Index

Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata Copyright: Peter Harvey
Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata

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Stigmella aceris 31-08-2024
Phyllonorycter dubitella 26-08-2024
Abbess Roding Village Sign 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Village Sign and Seat 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church East Face 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church South churchyard 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church South 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church South Face 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church West Tower 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church Door 17th September 2024


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* enter a password you will use to logon


Why Register?  Registration allows you to submit records and pictures to our recording schemes and keep track of your records on-line. Please do this even if you only have one record to provide - all records form an important addition to our knowledge of the distribution, phenology and status of species. If you are a member of the Essex Field Club you will also be able to contribute to this website and request greater access to data. If you are not a member, please consider joining.

Use of this site is governed by our Privacy policy and Terms of use.

What happens next?  We will send an email to the address given above confirming your registration.  This email contains a security code, which you will need to activate your account. If you do not receive an email from us within a few minutes then make sure you check your 'Spam' mail folder.  If this is the case, tell your email application that the message from us is not spam. Log in using the email and password you gave when registering, and you will then be asked to to enter this activation code.

If you have already registered with us, click the 'logon' link at the top of the page.

Having trouble?  If you have any problems with this service please Contact us and website queries for help.