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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata Copyright: Peter Harvey
Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata

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Willingale Spain Church view from south west Godman 1905
White Roding Church nave south doorway Godman 1905
White Roding Church view from south west Godman 1905
White Roding Church south porch Godman 1905
West Hanningfield Church plan of tower Godman 1905
West Hanningfield Church view from south west Godman 1905
Upminster Church tower and spire Godman 1905
Title Page Medieval Architecture in Essex Ernest Godman 1905
Thundersley Church view from north west Godman 1905
Stondon Masey Church belfry and spire Godman 1905

Publication contents

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Essex Field Club Newsletter volume 74 (May 2014) £2.00

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  • 24 pages + two pages of colour plates

    1 Peter Harvey President's Page

    2 Essex Natural History Show on Sunday 31st August 2014 11am - 5pm

    2 New develops in the geology and archaeology of the Lower Thames

    3 CONFERENCE AND FIELD MEETING. New developments in the geology and archaeology of the Lower Thames to be held 3 - 5 October 2014

    4 Simon Taylor The Field Club on Facebook

    5-8 Nicola Shearer A wildlife diary

    9-10 Mary Smith Are there more lovers in Upminster, than in the whole of the rest of Greater London?

    10-15 Mary Smith Recent Weather in South Essex: a personal diary

    15 Bari Hooper Harlequin beetles in Wethersfield Church

    16 David Scott A bee new to Essex, Colletes cunicularius goes east

    17 Tony Boniface Scarlet Elf-cup found again in Essex

    18-19 Ken Adams Some unusual spring fungi

    19 Ken Adams BOTANICAL PROJECTS - Volunteers needed

    20 MapMate records

    21 Essex Field Club County Recorders for 2014/2015

    22 Essex Field Club publications