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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Essex Field Club Newsletter volume 38 (May 2002) £2.00

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  • 28 pages + two pages of colour plates

    1 Charles Watson President's Page

    2 Ray Tabor Survey to assess the status of the Oxslip Primula elatior L. in Essex

    2 Peter Harvey A proposed national bumblebee recording scheme - join a local pilot

    3-5 Mary Smith A wildlife diary

    6 Graham Smith Hart's-tongue Fern Phyllitis scolopendrium growing in road drains

    6 Graham Smith Portuguese Man of War at Bradwell-on-Sea

    7-8 Stephen Westover Inonotus cuticularis in Writtle

    8-9 Geoffrey Wilkinson Some observations of insects during 2001

    10-11 Geoffrey Wilkinson Hornet Moth around the Chelmsford area

    11 Paul Mabbott Cheilomenes lunata (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): a recent import to S.E. England

    12 Neil Harvey African ladybird Cheilomenes lunata in Essex

    12 Ray Ruffell Seal visits Colchester

    13-14 Tim Gardiner, Michelle Pye & Robin Field Results of the 2001 Essex glow-worm survey

    15 Carolyn Wingfield A feather in the cap: first record of an American Bittern in Essex

    16-17 Paul Mabbott The Essex ladybird survey 2000

    17-20 Bill George Essex Field Club and Essex Rock & Mineral Society trip to Maylandsea and Steeple, Essex - Sunday August 12th 2001

    21-23 Mary Smith Fungus foray at Belhus Woods Country Park - 13th October 2001

    23-25 Tony Boniface 2001, a great year for waxcaps around Chelmsford

    25-26 Richard Baker Fungus foray in City of London Cemetery - 3rd November 2001