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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata pupa Copyright: Yvonne Couch
Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata

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Stigmella aceris 31-08-2024
Phyllonorycter dubitella 26-08-2024
Abbess Roding Village Sign 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Village Sign and Seat 17th September 2024
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Abbess Roding Church South churchyard 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church South 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church South Face 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church West Tower 17th September 2024
Abbess Roding Church Door 17th September 2024

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Mucking Heath, Orsett Golf Course, TQ654806

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Status: Local Wildlife Site (LoWS)

Summary: Golf course with ancient grass heath, acid grassland and remnant heathland.


Reason for interest: The site supports the only known Essex populations for several rare spiders and is also home to scarce plants and many rare and scarce invertebrates.



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page last edited on Sat Mar 2nd 2019 by site user 3

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