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Species Account for Satyrium w-album

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Satyrium w-album  (Knoch, 1782)
White-letter Hairstreak
Lepidoptera: butterflies: Lycaenidae

White-letter Hairstreak - missing tail streamers Copyright: Robert Smith

Maps produced by MapMate®. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Field Club 2024.
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.

Taxonomic group: butterflies (Lepidoptera: butterflies) - County data

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W&C Act: Schedule 5

Status: EN;Legal Protection;Section 41 Priority Species

Essex RDB: Listed
Records: 1829
First Record: 1981
Latest Record: 2023

1992-on hectads: 54
Pre-1992 hectads: 13
Total hectads: 55

Additional Phenology Data


White-letter Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak - missing tail streamers
White-letter Hairstreak - missing tail streamers

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White-letter Hairstreak on UK Butterflies website
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Essex Red Data List comment
Added to list due to 'Endangered' national conservation status (2010 review, Butterfly Conservation)

Species text
The White-letter Hairstreak Strymonidia w-album is a widely but locally distributed butterfly of southern and central England, Yorkshire and Wales. The larva feed on elms in sheltered hedgerows, mixed scrub, and along the edges of woodland rides, as well as on large isolated elms, with colonies usually confined to a small group or even a single tree. Although the butterfly seems to have become rare in the 1970s with the loss of elms to Dutch Elm Disease, it has been recovering, the larvae using sucker regrowth (Asher et al., 2001). One of the best sites in Essex is Hadleigh Downs where adults readily feed at low level on bramble blossom throughout the flight season. This can occur on other sites particularly during very dry periods (e.g. 2010) or in the middle of hot days when sap/honeydew is not available. Generally however, adults are seen flitting high amongst elm suckers or adjacent ash branches. References

Species text last edited on Mon Mar 19th 2012 by user 745


Broad Habitat Data (based on 8 records with habitat information)

Broad subhabitat Data (based on 1 records with subhabitat information)

Structural Habitat Data (based on 1 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 1829 records with habitat detail and method information)

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