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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Publication contents

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Essex Field Club Newsletter volume 49 (January 2006) £2.00

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  • 32 pages + two pages of colour plates

    1 Charles Watson 1934-2005

    1 Ken Adams An unusual ascomycete Morchella elata

    2 Del Smith President's Page

    3 Subscription reminder

    3 We hope soon to become a charity

    4 Essex Field Club Annual General Meeting 126

    5-8 Mary Smith A wildlife diary

    9-10 Luke Bristowe Planning for wildlife

    10-11 Peter Harvey and Del Smith Essex Field Club maps of invertebrate biodiversity hotspots - can we add to these?

    12-14 Ted Benton and John Dobson The Shrill Carder Bee on the move?

    15 James Northfield The spider Araneus marmoreus var. pyramidatus at Broakes Wood, Sible Hedingham

    16 Paul Mabbott The establishment of the Rosemary Beetle in Essex 2001-2005

    16-17 Ken Adams Sea walls at Fobbing

    17 Gerald Lucy Heritage plaque for Essex geologist

    18-19 Ken Adams Look out for this new species of Conocephalum

    19-20 Ken Adams Stream and River Water Crowfoot - two neglected species

    20-21 Ken Adams Alternative-leaved Golden Saxifrage - extinct in Vc18?

    21 MapMate records

    22-23 Ken Adams Colne Point to Jaywick beach field meeting on 21 August 2005

    23-24 Barbara Chapman Crowsheath Wood Fungal Foray, 9 October 2005

    25-26 Mary Smith Fungus Foray in Bedfords Park, 15 October 2005

    26-28 Barbara Chapman and Roger Newton Foulness Fungal Foray, 30 October 2005

    28-29 Tony Boniface Waxcap Special

    29-30 Shirley Watson Hatfield Forest Fungus Foray, 10 November 2005