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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Publication contents

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Essex Field Club Newsletter volume 52 (January 2007) £2.00

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  • 24 pages + two pages of colour plates

    1-2 Roger Newton The financial benefits of the Club becoming a charity

    2 Subscription reminder

    2 A new book Homo britannicus: the incredible story of human life in Britain

    3 Del Smith President's Page

    4 Essex Field Club Annual General Meeting 127 to be held on Saturday 10th March 2007

    5-7 Mary Smith A wildlife diary

    8-14 Bill George Some Essex elephants

    15-16 Luke Bristow Planning for wildlife

    16-18 Graham Smith The fungi of a postal delivery

    19-20 Tony Boniface Interesting fungus records in 2006

    21-22 Ken Adams Chelmer-Blackwater Canal, 28th May and 26th August 2006

    23-24 Barbara and Richard Chapman Open meeting at member's garden, 24th June 2006

    25-26 Ken Adams St Osyth to Point Clear, 19th August 2006

    27 Shirley Watson Birchanger Wood fungus foray, Saturday 7th October 2006

    27-29 Graham Smith EFC fungus foray to Parson's Spring, Highwood on October 10th 2006

    29-30 Jacquey and Roger Newton Hainault Forest fungus foray, 28th October 2006

    30 MapMate records