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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Brownfield site assessments

In south Essex near the Thames and other parts of the county, certainly for example around the Colchester area, brownfield land is known to support regionally and nationally important assemblages of invertebrates and other wildlife. As part of the Essex Biodiversity Action Plan it is essential that brownfield land in the county is assessed for its potential importance for wildlife. To this end we have introduced a site assessment based on work undertaken by Buglife in the 'All of a Buzz' project in the Thames Gateway. The assessment is designed very much with non-specialists in mind.

Brownfield land includes various forms of previously developed land such as former industrial sites of various kinds, including in Essex old sand and chalk quarries, vegetated foundations, land contaminated by e.g. heavy metals or hydrocarbons, silt or pulverised fly ash lagoons, areas developed on PFA or Lytag spoil, disused railway sidings, etc. Sites of interest for nature conservation are likely to exist around any of the major towns and conurbations in Essex, as well as in the wider countryside, wherever for example mineral extraction has taken place.

An introduction, site assessment form and guidelines are available for non-specialists (and specialists) to use to help identify sites of importance. Please complete the form for any sites that you visit or can complete as a desktop survey.

A paper copy of the form can be downloaded here for use in the field. It is obviously essential that site assessment is either done from outside a site boundary, or with permission of the landowner.

You need to register with us to submit site assessments. Registration allows you to submit site assessments, pictures and supporting files and keep track of your assessments on-line. Please do this even if you only have one site assessment to provide - all assessments form an important addition to our knowledge of the status of brownfield sites in Essex. If you are a member of the Essex Field Club you will also be able to contribute to this website and request greater access to data. How to join

Assessment of value of brownfield sites

Brownfield Habitat Assessment Form (you need to be logged-on to submit an assessment)

Brownfield site assessment help

Development of the site assessment form has been funded by Buglife and the Essex Biodiversity Project