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Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Essex Field Club Data Protection Statement

New data protection legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), comes into force on 25 May 2018.  This changes the relationship between you and any organisation that holds information about you.  This notice is to let you know how the Essex Field Club (EFC) will comply with this and what you will have to do to allow us to do so. 

Members may request in writing or by email access to their own details for their own purposes from the Membership Secretary. Proof of identity will be required, such as provision of the old address or by sending the request from the email address we hold. Members can decide not to receive communications and/or publications and may request deletion of their data or change how the Society contacts them at any time, by advising the Membership Secretary in writing.

The EFC only holds data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to its purpose, to send members their subscribed publications, to notify them of the meetings programme, special EFC events and of any changes to a meeting where the member has previously notified the leader of their attendance.

To fulfil your membership of the EFC, we need to process the personal data that you have supplied (name, contact details, interests, gift aid status, donations, etc), which is held on a database for the sole use of the EFC, as set out in the 1998 Data Protection Act. The data is processed and stored securely in a database on the EFC website.  It is accessed by the Membership Secretary and some Trustees of the Club for membership purposes and only passed to a third party when required for membership purposes, at present to our printer and mailing distributor Colt Press.

We may also hold a recorder's and determiner's name, a location and date information in biological record data if you have provided records to our county recorders, national recording schemes, public natural history fora or have published records in literature. We never make this information publicly available but it may be used to help data validation and verification. Biological record data without any personal information are used to provide the outputs of our datasearch service to consultancies and companies and may also be made available to non-commercial inquirers. Income from commercial datasearches is shared with data partners in the Essex Recorders partnership and made available for grants which support and develop the Essex Recorders partnership and promote reliable recording, verification, digitisation, validation and data mobilisation in the county.

Records of past members will be retained by the Society unless the member who has left the Societys membership specifically requests, in writing or by e-mail to the Membership Secretary, for his or her details to be removed from the Club's records. Any such request will be acknowledged and confirmed as removed.

You can download this policy statement here. Our website also has a privacy policy in place at Privacy Policy for all registered users (members and guests).